The offer

Sailing, especially when racing, is a perfect metaphor for collective teamwork in the business or on a project.

Each member of the team has to be engaged in a clear role according to his/her competence and experience. Realistic objectives in terms of goals and progression have to be defined and collectively adopted. Procedures have to be put in place, rehearsed on and on during training for various maneuvers like sail hoists and drops, tacks or jibes. After the race or after the training, time for a debriefing to identify what can be improved for the next session: individually, globally as a team but also within interacting duos like the bowman and pitman, the mainsheet and the helm.
Values like respect and trust have to be shared within the team.

All those rules do apply to build efficient organisations or collaborative project teams.

Sailing to Gather: discover how to boost your team performance!

Typical program

Customized solution depending on team / group size.
Possibility to combine workshop and reflections with short cruise (2-3 days).
Budget on request considering workshop facilitation, catering and boat usage, and location Hotel facilities can be foreseen.

Contact us for any question or booking request